Employees will be able to see all the posts and announcements on their Newsfeed and would be able to interact with their colleagues at the same time.
View posts
The posts will be shown in the latest to oldest order.
How to react to a post?
Tap on the heart icon to like the post.
Or, double-tap on the post to like the post (mobile).
How to view and write a comment on a post?
Click on the comments icon which will take you to a detailed page.
You will be able to see the post and the comments made by your colleagues.
At the bottom, type in your comment and click send.
View the number of likes on a post
Tap on the count of people to see a list of employees who have liked the post.
When you click on the picture of the employee, you will be redirected to their profile
Widgets on the Right Panel: Web
Employees can perform quick actions using these available shortcuts:
1. Employees Directory
2. Complete your profile
Shows the percentage of your profile completion.
By clicking on 'Go to my profile', you will be directed to your personal profile.
3. Upload missing documents
Shows the number of mandatory documents missing.
By clicking on 'Go to documents', you will be directed to the documents upload tab.
4. Quick actions
Widgets on the Top Panel: Mobile
Employees can perform quick actions using these available shortcuts:
Attendance check-in / check-out
Request time off
Add new task
Term life insurance
See a doctor
Request a letter
Submit work expense
Find a colleague
Get medicine
View or share documents