This article explains how you can track the Letter Requests of your employees.
How to track the Letter Requests of your employees
You will be able to keep track of all the letter requests coming from the employees under the side menu: Requests > Letters.
Here, you can also -
Check Requests applied during a certain date range
Filter the requests by Letter Template type, department, office, etc.
Search for the requests by an employee's name
Download the Letter request report
Members associated with the request can comment on their requests
There are 3 tabs under the Letter Requests page - Pending, Approved, and Rejected
This tab consists of all the pending letter requests of the employees
If a template is not assigned in the request, then you will first have to assign a template.
You can review the request either by directly clicking on Review Request or you can also click on the 3 dots and Edit, Download the letter request, and Comment on it.
Once reviewed, you can Approve/Reject the request.
Note: When reviewing a letter request, by clicking on 'Open in Editor', the Approver can make Edits to the requested Template in case it needs to be customized based on the employee's requests. However, these changes in the template will reflect only for this particular request and the changes made will not affect other requests with the same template or the original template created by the Admin.
You can review the request and approve the same. Approved letter requests can be seen in the Approved tab.
Once approved, both employee and Admin will be able to download the Letter or Share it via email.
This tab consists of all the rejected requests.
You can review the request and reject it or even directly click on the reject button to reject the request.
Even after rejecting a letter request, you still have the option of going back to the request and approving it.