As a manager or HR, you can review your team’s catch-ups.
This can be accessed from :
Employee Profile > Performance > Catch-ups
Line managers can only view catch-ups of their direct reportee's.
Super-Admin can view catch-ups of all employees.
Only catch-ups that the Line Manager /HR are part of or that are not private will be visible here.
You can search by applying filters like:
Date Range: Can be used to select a date range to view catch-ups.
Performance cycle: This will show a list of configured cycles.
Goals: Will show any catch-ups that have been linked to goals.
Catch-up recorded by: Check box to show catch-up recorded by oneself or others (TBC)
Private catch-ups: Will show catch-ups that have been marked private between viewer & employee.
A list of attachments will be shown with a download icon
When clicked preview opens in a modal
You can switch between attachments in that catch-up
Opens pop-up to edit catch-up
You can only edit catch-ups created by you
Catch-up with the field cannot be edited.