Introduction and setting up employee loan policies.
The loan policy feature will help companies facilitate employee loan requests. This will help HR administrators to manage employee loan policies and loan requests easily.
It is also integrated with payroll and, therefore provides automated loan amount disbursements and recurring deductions.
Set up Employee loan policies
Step 1: Create an Employee Loan policy
Go to Settings > Payroll > Employee Loan policies > Create loan policy now
Step 2: Set up policy details
Clicking on 'Create New Loan Policy' will open up the loan policy wizard. Super Admins will be able to edit;
Specify a policy name in English
Mandatory in English if the language is set to English
Specify a policy name in Arabic
Mandatory in Arabic version if language is set to Arabic
Specify policy description in English
Specify policy description in Arabic
Select from the drop-down currency list
Loan amounts
Define loan limits by (two button options, only one will be active)
Fixed amount
Having this selected will allow companies to specify a minimum and maximum loan flat amount.
It is mandatory information to set up the policy, the minimum loan amount should be >0 and there is no maximum limit.
Percentage of an employee's salary
It is mandatory information.
Having this selected will allow companies to specify a % amount. There’s no max % amount.
Repayment installments are (two button options, only one will be active. The fields will be visible based on the selection)
If selected allows Super admins to specify minimum and maximum payment period.
Mandatory field
if selected allow Super admins to specify the maximum monthly deductible value from gross salary
Mandatory field
Step 3: Add employees to the loan policy
Super Admin will be able to manage the employees from the list that has to be excluded or included in the policy.
Enable or disable to restrict employees on probation to be excluded from the policy.
Upon clicking 'Next', it will lead HR to the final reviewing page to finalize and save the policy.
The toggle will be switched on by default as Active, the Super admins have the option to edit it to deactivate.
Clicking on Save will show a confirmation that the policy has been saved.