Additions are positive pay adjustments you make to an employee's monthly salary outside of their basic salary components and expense claims. For example, they could include a Salary in Advance, Loans, Vacation Days encashment, or any other non-fixed adjustment to their payroll.
To do this, follow the below-mentioned steps -
Step 1
Under Settings, click on the Payroll tab for Payroll settings.
Step 2
Expand the Additions tab and click on Add New to create a new category.
Step 3
Fill in the name of your new category and click on Save.
To access additions, click on Adjustments on an employee's Active Payroll Month and also on the Adjustments tab under the Payroll tab on their profile.
You can check the existing adjustment records for the employee under the Adjustments tab and you can also create a New Adjustment by clicking on the button.
Your customized list will be visible as you create a new addition for the employee.