This article describes how you can undo a transaction directly from the platform
In case you want to undo an already submitted payroll transaction, you can go to the Finance > Transactions page and click on the 3 dots next to the submitted transaction, where you will have the option to Reject the transaction.
On rejection of a transaction, the Payroll Table Manager/s and the Transaction Processor/s will receive an email notification.
Please note -
Rejection of any transaction can be done only for the current open month, and not for any previous closed month/s.
Only a 'Transaction Processor' will be able to undo such a payroll transaction.
Once the payroll month is closed on the platform, you will not be allowed to undo 'Close Payroll Month'.
Clients processing salaries with Lulu Exchange via direct integration with the Bayzat platform will NOT be allowed to undo transactions once the transaction amount has been processed.