Checking in and out of work and breaks, making comments on attendance records, and viewing attendance reports
To activate attendance tracking, please make sure you have done the following:
Download the Bayzat mobile app on your smartphone
Register and activate your account
Enable location services for the Bayzat app
Watch the tutorial below to learn how to:
Check-in and out of work
Make comments on attendance records
Check-in and out-of-work breaks
View your attendance reports
You get notified 10 mins before every check-in or check-out as a reminder to mark your presence on the app
If you’ve missed checking in on time and tried to check in late, you get a warning message that you've exceeded the allowed late check-in time but you can still check in late or will be marked as absent
If you forgot to check out, your hours won't be counted for that day, but you will be marked as present
If you're on leave, you will not be required to check in/out of attendance on Bazyat and neither will you be sent reminders about the same.