An overview of all things performance-related at Bayzat
It’s no secret that every organization evaluates employee performance in a slightly different way. To help find a solution that works for you, at Bayzat we offer different ways of assessing an employee’s performance. You can use these all in parallel or you can select a single option that works best for you.
Dive into the details as we explore the different options.
Goal-based review cycles span 3 or more months and are split into two main phases:
- Goal setting & tracking
- Review period
Goal setting & tracking:
This initial phase involves defining goals or objectives for each employee. Setting up well-designed performance goals can help employees align their work activities with the company’s overall strategy and can be done by the HR team, line managers, or even the employee.
Once goals have been set and added to the platform, goal tracking begins, where the status of these goals can be updated and recorded on Bayzat to build a robust history of employee performance related to each goal.
The second part of the goal-based review cycle involves line managers rating employees on each of the goals that were set. You can also encourage employees to assess their own performance, which is a great way to encourage self-reflection.
Once all the reviews are in, the HR team can calibrate these reviews to ensure every employee gets a fair and objective final rating.
Catch-ups help organizations facilitate and capture meaningful feedback conversations about work expectations, progress, and growth to increase employee satisfaction and performance.
Key features:
- Catch-ups can be used to record 1:1s between any employee
- Add meeting notes and upload attachments to a catch-up
- Link catch-ups to relevant goal-based review cycles, offering context to reviews and mitigating recency bias
- Option to make a catch-up private to restrict the visibility of confidential meeting notes.