As a manager, you can amend the attendance record of an employee in various scenarios.
1.) Edit attendance for fixed shift employees.
If a fixed shift employee has already marked their attendance, you can perform the following actions and amend the attendance record by navigating to Time > Attendance > Employee attendance > Daily report.
a.) Edit: Edit the check-in, check-out, and break timings for each day.
b.) Clear attendance: Clicking on this action will allow you to erase the attendance. The employee will be marked as absent along with the creation of a time and pay adjustment entry for "Absent" (if this employee was part of the deduction for payroll policy). Employees will not be able to check in again.
c.) Delete attendance: Upon deletion of the attendance record, both check-in and check-out values will be cleared, resulting in the employee being marked as absent. Afterward, the employee will be allowed to check in again.
d.) Create Leave request: You can create a leave request and mark the employee as absent directly from the attendance record.
2.) Edit attendance for shift employees.
Scheduler/admin can edit/delete/reassign the shift for an employee when the check-in has already been done.
Click on the information icon of the scheduled shift as shown in the image and select "Edit shift".
If the employee has already checked in and marked the attendance you will see a pop-up message which will direct you to the attendance record.
To remove an attendance record, click on 'Delete Attendance.' A pop-up will appear, and upon confirmation, the corresponding attendance record will be deleted. Following this, you can proceed to edit, delete, or reassign the shift as needed.