What is a Split Shift?
A split shift refers to dividing a work schedule into two or more segments, with a break or gap in between. Super admins or Shift schedulers can assign two shifts in a day for employees with this enhancement.
Benefits of Split Shift Arrangements:
Optimal Staffing: By scheduling employees to work during peak business hours or specific operational requirements, you can ensure that you have the right people in place at the right time.
Flexibility for Employees: Split shifts offer employees the flexibility to handle personal tasks or appointments during their break time. It can be particularly useful for those who need to balance work and personal commitments.
Restrictions for Using Split Shifts:
Maximum shifts allowed in a day: Super admins or shift schedulers can schedule a maximum of 2 shifts per employee.
Restrictions on Days off: If an employee has a day off (with or without check-in allowed), scheduling a second shift on that day is not permitted.
Half-Day Leave: If an employee is on a half-day leave, scheduling any shift on that day is not allowed.
No Extra Hours: If an employee already has more than one shift in a day, scheduling additional hours separately is not permitted.
Assigning split shifts:
Creating split shifts works similarly to creating a shift schedules for an employee.
>>Individual shift scheduling with an already existing shift:
Step 1: Click on Shift Scheduler under Time to view the Scheduling interface.
Step 2: Select the work center (relevant for admins or schedulers assigned to multiple work centers).
Step 3: Select the relevant date range from either week or month view as per your scheduling need.
Step 4: Click on cell with an existing shift to schedule another shift. (Please ensure to create a work timing for shifts)
Step 5: Clicking on Save as Draft allows you to create a full draft schedule for further review and publish thereafter. The shift can also be published directly using the Save & Publish button.
As seen in the below image, shifts scheduled as Draft are shaded with lines, whereas Published shifts are unshaded with no lines.
Step 6: To publish a schedule, click on Publish Shifts to notify employees of their schedules through a push notification on the Bayzat app.
>> Creating Split shifts using Schedule Planner:
To schedule multiple shifts in a day using the Schedule Planner, follow these steps:
Step 1: Select the required shift details.
Step 2: Tap on the cell where the split shift is needed to be scheduled. Ensure that there are no overlaps with the shift on the same day or with any existing shifts before or after.
Step 3: This will add the second shift on the required days.
Step 4: Please note that the 'All' option is not available for scheduling split shifts or second shifts for all days in a week or month.
Step 5: Use the 'Reset' option to remove any unsaved draft shifts.
>> Creating shifts by copying
Step 1: Under a specific work center selection, copy an employee's shift by clicking the copy icon next to each employee’s name, as shown in the image below.
Note: The copy functionality will be disabled if the 'all' work center is selected.
You can also explore advanced paste options based on your needs. These options allow you to override existing draft shifts, draft day-offs, or draft day-offs with check-in allowed. Additionally, you have the flexibility to paste shifts on weekends or public holidays within the selected date range.
Step 3: Once the details are filled, paste the shifts as drafts using the 'Paste shifts as draft' button. Once you confirm, a pop-up will appear providing a summary of the successfully pasted shifts and the number of shifts that were skipped for various reasons.
Step 4: Review and publish the draft shifts either week by week or month by month.
As a Super Admin or a Shift scheduler, you can edit, delete, or reassign shifts to an existing draft / published shift.
Click to view how to edit a shift.
Click to know how to assign shit on mobile.