Depending on your role and the task’s assigned status, you have access to specific actions related to the task. The following outlines these actions to support clear task ownership and efficient management.
Super Admin / People Manager / Task Manager:
Users with an Admin or People Manager role automatically have the Task Manager policy, giving them full access to all task management actions.
Note: To grant this policy to another user with a different role, you can request your
Customer success manager to create a custom role and assign it to the relevant employees.
View all tasks: Access a complete overview of all tasks within the system for comprehensive task management.
Manage all tasks: Oversee and adjust task details, statuses, and assignments as needed across all tasks.
Create and assign tasks: Generate new tasks and assign them to specific team members or roles.
Mark tasks as done/completed: Update tasks to indicate they have been successfully completed.
Edit due dates: Adjust task deadlines to reflect any changes in project timelines.
Edit task assignee: Reassign tasks to different individuals or teams as necessary.
View all tasks of managed employees: Review all tasks assigned to employees under your management.
Manage all tasks for managed employees: Oversee and adjust task details specifically for your managed employees.
Add comments: Provide updates, instructions, or feedback on tasks to keep everyone aligned.
View all tasks assigned to self: Access and manage tasks specifically assigned to you for individual task tracking.
Update task status: Modify the status of your tasks to reflect their current progress.
Add comments: Share insights or progress notes on tasks for better collaboration with your team.
Task Asignee:
- View all tasks assigned to self: Access a list of all tasks specifically assigned to you for easy tracking.
- Update the task status: Change the status of your tasks to reflect progress, such as marking them as completed or in progress.
- Add comments: Leave notes or updates on tasks to provide additional information or clarify details for others involved.
Line Manager:
- Create and assign tasks: Set up new tasks and assign them to the relevant team members, ensuring clear ownership and responsibility.
- Mark tasks as done/completed: Update tasks as completed when finished, keeping task progress visible and up-to-date.
- Change status: Can view and update the status of tasks assigned to direct reports.
- Edit the due date: Adjust deadlines as needed to accommodate project shifts or changing priorities.
- Edit the task assignee: Reassign tasks to different employees or roles to balance workload or address availability changes.
- Add comments: Provide additional context, instructions, or feedback directly on tasks to improve communication and clarity.
Employee experience:
If employees without the Task Manager policy need the ability to create tasks, please conact your Customer success manager to enable the Employee Experience feature flag. Once enabled:
- Employees with the default Employee role can create and assign tasks.
- Employees with the Line Manager role can also create and assign tasks and will have visibility into tasks assigned to their direct reports.